Inner beauty specialist hot-Line: 0047 890955720
Beauty- Line has a team of qualified, experienced, professional and off course beautiful inner beauticians who’s aim in life is to draw out the hidden beauty inside each of ”YOU”. They are working from the concept: Smile to the world and the world will smile back at you. Keep in mind that beauty is 70% mental state, body fitness cosmetics only covers 30%. There’s beauty inside all creation, it’s not a myth but reality. We promise contagious happiness, an ageless mind and eternal inner beauty for both men and women. Remember that smiling is transmittable. It’s the best, most natural make- up. If you are beautiful on the inside it will also affect you’re outside beauty.

Discover the beauty inside yourself, and let it touch the outside world, because you’re worth it.

Beauty Line ”Making the most of you”. Your beauty is our concern.

1.Input nice dreams, with focus on happiness.
2.Keeps your hair calm, which makes the dream- import more successful.
3.Relax nerve system and improve sleeping quality
4.Recover happy morning- mood

We believe that happy dreams are an important step on the way to happiness. They lead your brain into a path of only cheerful thoughts. If you are one of them who never seem to dream anything at all, don't worry; Sleeping Beauty Pillow has a special dreamfeature. It simply constructs happy dreams, which fits into your everyday- life and import them directly to the deeper brain- layer when you are a sleep. The treatment is off-course painless.